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Master Sudoku: discover Evil Sudoku puzzles

Master Sudoku, also known as evil Sudoku, is a 9×9 grid Sudoku puzzle with the high level of difficulty. It’s an advanced level for experienced Sudoku solvers. Simple logic and basic knowledge of Sudoku rules won’t cut it – you as a player should know advanced Sudoku solving techniques and understand how to apply them in practice.

Even though evil Sudoku is an extremely difficult game level, many experienced players find it the best way for brain training and developing mental skills.

How to solve Master Sudoku: Strategies for success in Evil Sudoku

The principle of the solution is the same as in the classic Sudoku. The goal is to fill the grid, so that each row, column, and 3x3 block contain all the digits from 1 to 9 without repeating. But in master Sudoku (evil Sudoku), there are much fewer numbers on the grid at the beginning. There's going to be only 4 or even fewer numbers. This fact makes the master Sudoku (evil Sudoku) level extremely difficult to solve.

The best way to solve the master Sudoku (evil Sudoku puzzle) is to start with the blocks where there are more prearranged numbers. Such blocks are easier to complete compared to the ones with fewer numbers.

Master Sudoku: Techniques for solving Evil Sudoku puzzles

While it's totally fine to play Sudoku intuitively on the easy levels, master Sudoku (evil Sudoku) requires the knowledge of some strategies. Here is the most popular one for solving Sudoku on the evil level.

XY-Wing Strategy.

XY-Wing strategy is an advanced technique for eliminating candidates. Let’s review it with an example. Let’s say, there are 3 different cells with exactly 2 candidates (notes) each that are related to each other. The cell in the center is called the pivot. The two others are called the pincers. Each of these cells can include only one of 3 digits, named X, Y, Z. It means that any 3 digits can replace these letters.

The pivot contains candidates XY. The pincers - candidates XZ and YZ. Any cell that intersects both pincers can’t longer contain a candidate for digit Z, because the pivot means either of the pincers to contain this digit.

Why play Master Sudoku?

Playing master Sudoku online has a lot of advantages. While solving Sudoku, your brain exercises logic, learns to make decisions, and puts your memory to the test. Regularly playing master Sudoku is a good method of improving your concentration. Play 1 or 2 evil Sudoku games every day and you will not have any problems with losing focus while doing important things.

Moreover, Sudoku develops analytical skills and thinking. Regular game practice will teach you to pick up mental thinking models from Sudoku and use them in real life while analyzing different situations.

Sudoku Tips and Articles
4 Myths that Prevent People from Getting Started with Sudoku
4 Myths that Prevent People from Getting Started with Sudoku

Lots of people love to play Sudoku – people of all ages, all nationalities, and all walks of life. In any big city, you can see people playing Sudoku on their mobile phones while riding the train to work. Sudoku is played in schools, in parks, at senior centers, and in private homes. Sudoku is one of the most popular puzzle games and one of the most prevalent daily activities all over the world.

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How to Solve Sudoku Puzzles – A Complete Walkthrough, Part 2
How to Solve Sudoku Puzzles – A Complete Walkthrough, Part 2

In the previous article in this series, we showed how to get started at solving Sudoku puzzles by searching the grid for “low-hanging fruit” and using simple process of elimination skills to identify which numbers need to go in which empty spaces.

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