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Killer Sudoku by

Who is Expert Killer Sudoku for?

Killer Sudoku is a great number puzzle that has all the best from the two worlds – Sudoku and Kakuro games. Since you’re reading this article, you’re probably a Killer Sudoku expert and there’s no need to elaborate on the rules in detail.

Expert Killer Sudoku levels are definitely not for the puzzle games rookies. The thing is that in the beginning of the game you don’t have any numbers on the grid at all. This makes it tremendously difficult for people unfamiliar with at least basic Killer Sudoku strategies and techniques. On the other hand, if you’re a sudoku veteran, feel free to challenge your skill!

Expert Killer Sudoku Tips

So what’s the first thing you should do when starting off with the completely empty grid? First and foremost, you need to always keep in mind the“45 rule”.

The “45 rule” is critical in helping you to get at a least a few numbers on the empty grid – this will later become the foundation for the whole game. Let us remind you in brief – the sum of all numbers in a row, column or 3x3 block is always equal to 45. Check the grid for a row, column of block which is made of a few complete cages and a cell that is a part of another cage. This way by subtracting the cages values from 45, you’ll know what’s inside that empty cell!

This is a fantastic technique to jumpstart the game and place some of the first numbers on the grid. Once you have them, you can continue unraveling the ball and placing more and more numbers.

Why you should play Killer Sudoku

Expert Killer Sudoku is probably one the hardest number puzzles out there. It’s tremendously hard to solve, but it feels as much as rewarding when you’re done with it. If you want to practice your concentration and logical thinking skills and you're a fan of some sophisticated strategies,  expert Killer Sudoku  is the right match for you. 

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Who Has the Guinness World Record for Fastest Sudoku Player?

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